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Supporting and structuring the ramp-up of a turnkey customer service department

With a pragmatic consulting approach, BlueLink is supporting CEO Car Caring, the leading car concierge service in France.


CEO Car Caring is a 100% independent French company that creates personalised car concierge services on a national scale. Founded in 2004, the company has become a national benchmark for all mobility players. It offers its customers - companies, rental companies, fleet managers, distribution networks, etc. - its expertise in fleet management and driver relations. Boosted by its expertise in the entire automotive ecosystem, CEO Car Caring also relies on its strong cultural heritage and values to raise its profile.

A key player in automotive customer relations, CEO Car Caring is now the market leader in France and is expanding rapidly. Against a backdrop of very strong growth, the company is facing the challenge of increasing the strength of its customer relations team. In the interests of customer satisfaction, it has chosen to rely on BlueLink's expertise in premium customer service management in order to :

  • Improve operational robustness
  • Maintain the promise and quality delivered to its customers
  • Preserve the company's DNA and build employee loyalty

BlueLink's approach to meeting these challenges? Personalised, pragmatic support designed to provide CEO Car Caring the fundamentals for consolidating its customer relations. Essential support, applicable to 4 key areas: human resources (recruitment, training), tools and operations.

A structured roadmap

Immersion days and ‘on the ground’ observations, contributions from qualified experts (from sizing to tools, including employer branding and career paths), provision of a dedicated contact person, etc.

All these factors helped us to understand the needs and map out a roadmap for structuring the expansion of CEO Car Caring's customer service in all its dimensions.


Passing on our best practices in the recruitment process in order to identify and attract the most suitable profiles

Proposal for a variable remuneration model, a real motivational lever

Structuring an incentive model to build employee loyalty


Setting up appropriate training courses to support, retain and professionalise caretaker teams


Audit and recommendation of tools to ensure they have all the functions required for premium customer relations


Conveying the fundamentals of how to give meaning in order to better manage and engage operational teams (examples of communication tools) and to promote the achievement of objectives (definition of KPIs).


  • An experienced approach based on decades of experience in customer service management in the premium and luxury sectors
  • Personalised advice and pragmatic support based on ‘on the ground’ observations, with a view to improving customer service efficiency
  • A benchmark of best practiceand the transmission of relevant and appropriate tools to structure the ramp-up of customer service
  • Save time by putting projects into perspective and prioritising them

A few key figures

  • 2 days of immersion and observation in the field
  • 5 experts on assignment
  • 4 key areas addressed
  • 5/5 satisfaction rating for the support provided