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Terms of use and Privacy Policy

General Conditions of Use and Confidentiality

1. Caveat

BLUELINK designed, created, and operates this Website to enable each User to access information on its pages, in particular concerning the Services offered, the areas of excellence, the commercial references and job offers at BLUELINK.

Each User states that they have been informed of the unreliable nature of the Internet in particular regarding the relative security of data transmissions, and that uninterrupted access to the Website and performances such as the volume and speed of data transmissions are not guaranteed.

After reading all the information required for using the Website and the Services described below, each User agrees to accept and comply with the following Conditions.

2. Definitions

Each expression below will have the meaning which is given to it in these General Conditions namely:

‘Form’: Form completed by the User to reply to Job Offers, submit an unsolicited application, request commercial information, download media (White Book,), register for the newsletter. After each Form is validated, a message is displayed for the User on the web page confirming that his/her message has been received.

‘Internet’: all the interconnected computer and telecommunications networks worldwide enabling Internet Users to access content via servers.

‘Job offers’: Job offers advertised by BLUELINK.

‘Section’: all the webpages comprising information and forms called ‘Our expertise’, ‘Our DNA’, ‘Food for thought’, ‘Our News’, ‘Join Us’, ‘Paris’, ‘Prague’, ‘Strasbourg’, ‘Sydney’, ‘ Mauritius’, ‘Santiago in Chili’.

‘Service’: All the information Services and online Job Offers which are accessible via the Sections.

‘Website’: Website published by BLUELINK and accessible at the address

‘User’: a natural person who visits the Website and who requests detailed information orfioilms in the completes the Form.

3. Purpose

The purpose of these General Conditions is to define the conditions for Users to use the Website and the different Services.

Visiting the different sections of the Website and using the contact or reply Forms for Job Offers necessarily entails the User’s acceptance of these General Conditions.

The User declares that he or she has read these General Conditions of Use and unreservedly accepts them.

4. Term and coming into force

These General Conditions come into force from the User’s first visit and use of a Service on the Website without these General Conditions having to be signed.

These General Conditions are concluded for an indefinite term and can be modified or cancelled by BLUELINK at any time.

5. Free Access to the Website and Services

There is no charge for using the Website and Services which are accessible at the address However the User is responsible for paying all the costs of accessing the Internet and the communications required to access and use the Website and its Services.

6. Conditions for Accessing the Services

The Services can be accessed 24/7 apart from cases of force majeure or events which are outside of BLUELINK’s control, and subject to any malfunctions and maintenance work which is required to ensure the Website and Services function correctly.

The communication protocols used are those commonly used on Internet on the date the User accepts these General Conditions as well as any future communication protocols. Access and use of the Website Services requires a personal computer with Internet access as well as the software and plug-ins available online, in particular from the publishers’ Websites.

The User can consult and/or download these General Conditions from the Website at any time.

7. The User’s obligations

The User must provide a valid email address to use the Services.

The User also undertakes within the scope of using the Services, and in particular the Forms:

  • not to transmit false information,
  • not to make misleading or fraudulent statements,
  • not to create a false identity or use another person’s identity,
  • not to disrupt access to and use of the Services,
  • not to reproduce and/or use a brand, company name, logo, or any distinctive sign belonging to a third party.

8. Conditions for consulting job offers

The Job offers on the Website may be freely consulted in the “Join us” Section.

A User who wishes to apply for one of the job offers must complete the Form provided for this and submit a CV.

9. BLUELINK’s Obligations

The User is informed that BLUELINK, in its capacity as a host of content and in accordance with article 6 of the Law on Trust in the Digital Economy of 21 June 2004, is under the obligation to:

conserve and store data enabling the identification of any person who contributed to the creation of the content (Forms) via its Website, as the legal authorities can demand the disclosure of such information,

remove stored or conserved information, or to disable access to it, if BLUELINK becomes aware of its illegal nature.

The User is also informed that BLUELINK is not subject to a general obligation to monitor the information it stores or to investigate facts or circumstances that disclose unlawful activities.

10. Proof, storage, and archiving

The digital records which are stored in BLUELINK’s computer systems under reasonable conditions of security shall be considered to be proof of the communications and of the sending of the Forms and of the transmissions of information between the User and BLUELINK, which enable it to perform the processing required by the User.

The parties expressly agree that in the event of a conflict between BLUELINK’s digital records and any document which belongs to the User on a hardcopy medium or in an electronic file, BLUELINK’s digital records shall override the User's documents and shall be exclusively allowed as proof. 

11. Amendments to the Services and the applicable General Conditions

BLUELINK reserves the right to amend these General Conditions of Use or the rules on using the Services at any time.

Each new version of these General Conditions will be uploaded onto the Website.

The User is expected to consult these General Conditions of Use regularly.

The continued use of one of the Services or visiting the Website after an amendment to the General Conditions of Use shall entail the User’s acceptance of the amendments to the General Conditions.

BLUELINK also reserves the right to change its Services.

Technical modifications can be made without BLUELINK having to give notice.

Furthermore, BLUELINK reserves the right to permanently cease one or several of the Services offered to Users immediately and without any compensation of any kind.

12. Guarantees concerning the content of the information

The User is informed that the information which BLUELINK uploads to the Website may be incomplete, non-exhaustive, out of date and the User is therefore responsible for checking the exhaustiveness of the information and whether it is up-to-date with the BLUELINK, before taking any action in relation to it and especially before accepting one of the offers of Services or Job Offers.

As the User is exclusively liable for the content he or she creates via the forms, the User holds BLUELINK harmless against any action which could be brought against it for such content.

The User shall be personally responsible for any claims and legal proceedings irrespective of the type or kind which are brought against BLUELINK and which are directly or indirectly connected to the content of the Forms.

The User therefore undertakes to pay any sums which could be claimed from BLUELINK to the claimant directly, and to, if necessary, voluntarily intervene in all proceedings which are brought against BLUELINK, and to hold BLUELINK harmless against any judgements against it in this respect.

13. BLUELINK Ownership


- each Service,

- the database, in particular its structure, designed and managed by BLUELINK in order to manage the Website and the Services,

- all information, know-how, and specification documents and in general any other design elements relating to the Services and their components,

- the Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights over all the design elements of the Website and the Services whether graphic or technical,

- the brands, patents, names, acronyms, logos, colours, graphics or other signs which BLUELINK could use, create or implement in the context of the Website and the Services.

The User shall therefore refrain from reproducing the elements referred to in the previous subparagraph in any form whatsoever whether directly or indirectly and from altering the brands, patents, names, acronyms, logos, colours, graphics, or other signs appearing on the elements provided by BLUELINK, and in general from using or exploiting such elements other than within the scope of performing these General Conditions.

14. Liability

It is expressly agreed that BLUELINK is only subject to an obligation of means to perform these General Conditions of Use.

The User therefore acknowledges that he/she uses the Website and the Services at his/her own risks and must therefore make all checks under his/her exclusive liability, especially before sending any Forms.

BLUELINK cannot be held liable for any information which Users upload via the Forms.

BLUELINK cannot be held liable for any difficulty with sending the Forms and in general, for any disruptions to the Internet which impact the use of the Website and Services.

The User expressly acknowledges that BLUELINK has satisfied all its obligations to advise and inform on the characteristics of the Services and the Sections, by the information it has provided for the User in these General Conditions and the Website.

BLUELINK can never be held liable for any consequential loss or for indemnifying consequential loss such as financial or commercial loss, loss of a chance, loss of any information whatsoever which could be caused by difficulties connected to transmissions and the receipt of the Users’ Forms.

15. Data Protection

BLUELINK is very attentive to the protection of personal data. It is committed to ensuring the highest level of protection for your personal data in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation and the French Data Protection Act.

You can also consult the website of the French Data Protection Authority (Commission Informatique et Liberté, for information on the protection of personal data

  • The identity of the Controller

Personal data are collected by BLUELINK registered on the Trade and Company’s register of Créteil B 387 944 259, whose registered office is at 74 Avenue Vladimir Ilitch Lénine – Immeuble Osmose – 94 112 Arcueil Cedex – France.

  • Why do we collect your data ?

The information and data about you enables us to improve and personalise the Services which we offer you via our Website and the User’s personal data are necessary in order to benefit from the Services, including a Form.

  • Thus the data we collect via the forms on the site are processed for the purposes of recruitment or commercial prospection.
  • What data are collected ?

We can collect and process via the forms available on our Website your: surname, first name, postal address, personal email address, business email address, position, company, business sector, requirements known to BLUELINK, telephone number, CV, public LinkedIn data.

Some data are automatically collected during your actions on the site.

  • For candidates applying to join a Group entity :  in accordance with current regulations you will find all the information on the processing of your data as part of the recruitment procedure by clicking here and your  applicant account on the career site in the footer tab “Processing and protection of candidate data (GDPR)”.

  • Cookies

The User is informed that a cookie may be automatically installed on his or her browser during visits to the Website.

As a User of the Web Site, you are informed that BLUELINK uses "cookies", devices that electronically access or record information stored on your terminal.

You may at any time give or withdraw your consent by clicking on the link at the bottom left of each screen, either globally or by purpose per cookie.

BLUELINK uses two types of cookies:

  • Cookies required for the operation of the Web site (“Essential cookies”),
  • Cookies useful for non-intrusive audience measurement

Essential cookies

These cookies are deposited or read without your prior consent as their sole purpose is to enable or facilitate electronic communication or when they are strictly necessary for the provision of a service expressly requested by the User.

Browser settings allow the User to be informed of the presence of one or more cookies and, if necessary, to refuse them. Users may, if they wish, activate or deactivate the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in their browser software. This setting is generally found in the "Tools" and "Settings" tabs.

It is not possible to provide detailed, up-to-date information on these settings, which are under the sole control and authority of the browsers' publishers. For information purposes, Users may obtain additional information:

- From the publishers of their browser software on their website

- More generally on the CNIL website at The User is informed that such deactivation may partially or totally prevent the use of certain site functions.

Non-intrusive audience measurement cookies

BLUELINK only uses audience measurement cookies which do not enable us to trace your navigation on other websites or your history.

This tracer measures the audience of our Web Site in a non-intrusive way and respects privacy. It is implemented in accordance with the recommendations of the CNIL, the French Data Protection Authority:

- The User is immediately informed of the presence of this tracker,

- The User may object to the use of the site's functionalities at any time, without any consequences, via the cookie management panel available at any time on this page,

- The data collected is not cross-referenced with other data processing,

- The cookie is only used to produce anonymous statistics and does not allow tracking of browsing on different sites,

- The cookie is not kept for more than 13 months and is not extended for new visits,

- Raw traffic data is not associated with an identifier.

There is no geolocation through the use of IP addresses.

  • Retention period

The data collected for commercial prospection purposes are stored for 3 years before they are deleted. The data collected for recruitment purposes are stored for 2 years.

  • Data recipients

The data collected on BLUELINK’s Website and applications are intended for the BLUELINK group. They can be transmitted to the subsidiary companies in the BLUELINK group operating under the BLUELINK trade signs or to the companies (subcontractors) which BLUELINK uses to perform the Services.

  • Data transfers

As some of BLUELINK’s branches may be located outside the European Union in countries which do not have laws which guarantee an adequate level of protection, they contractually undertake to respect the European principles of personal data protection.

  • Your rights with respect to the European Data Protection Regulation

In accordance with the European Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016 you have a right to access, rectify and oppose the processing of your personal data concerning you. All you need to do is write to us:

- by letter for the attention of the Data Protection Officer (DPO) of BLUELINK at 74 Avenue Vladimir Ilitch Lénine – Immeuble Osmose – 94 112 Arcueil Cedex – France

- by email to

indicating your last name, first name and e-mail address. In accordance with current regulations, your request must be signed and accompanied by a copy of an identity document bearing your signature, and must specify the address to which you would like a reply. You will receive a reply within one month of receipt of your request.

  • Use of data connected to the social networks.

The use of social networks and BLUELINK’s services in relation to these social networks may result in the collection and transfer of certain data between the social networks and BLUELINK. We advise you to consult the personal data protection policies of these social networks to obtain information on the data which is collected by the social networks and the end uses for your data. You can configure the access and confidentiality settings for your data directly on the social networks. BLUELINK is not responsible for the use which is made of your date by the social networks acting on their own behalf.

16. General provisions

The Publication Director for this Website is Mr Frank LEGRÉ who is the legal representative of BLUELINK registered on the Trade and Company’s register of Creteil B 387 944 259, whose registered office is at 74 Avenue Vladimir Ilitch Lénine – Immeuble Osmose – 94 112 Arcueil Cedex – France.

The Webmaster is Mrs Giada Martufi.

The Website is hosted by Ecritel.

This Website is governed by French law. The rules of the conflict of laws are expressly excluded in favour of the complete and unreserved application French law. Foreign residents formally accept the application of French law when they visit this Website and use all some of the Website’s functionalities.

BLUELINK shall do its utmost to make the Website accessible 24/7. However, it can never incur liability for this in any way.

The overall structure as well as the software, text, animated or fixed images, sounds, know-how, drawings graphics and any other element comprising the Website are the exclusive property of BLUELINK with the exception of certain photographs whose authors are identified.

Any representation of this site, totally or partially, by any process whatsoever without BLUELINK’s express authorisation is prohibited and shall constitute an infringement which is penalised by articles L.335-2 et seq of the Intellectual Property Code.

The same applies to the databases which appear on the Website which are protected by the provisions of the law of 1 July 1998 concerning the protection of databases and which BLUELINK is the producer of.

The brands owned by BLUELINK and/or its partners and the logos on the Website are registered trademarks.

Any total or partial reproduction of these brands and any total or partial representation of these brands and/or logos using elements of the Website without BLUELINK’s express authorisation are therefore prohibited within the meaning of article L.713-2 of the Intellectual Property Code.

The hypertext links on the Website which link to other resources on the Internet, and its partners, in particular, have been expressly authorised in advance in writing.

BLUELINK does its utmost to provide Users with available and verified information and/or tools, but cannot be held liable for mistakes, lack of availability of information and/or the presence of viruses on its Website.

BLUELINK asks the Users of the Website to inform it of any omissions, mistakes or corrections by sending an email to the Website’s Webmaster at the following address:

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Each month, receive the latest exclusive news, our latest dossiers and other publications and information on the market.
By sending this form you agree that the information collected by BlueLink via this form will be processed by computer and sent to duly authorized persons in the communication, marketing and development departments to be used for statistical purposes and commercial prospecting. This data will be kept for a maximum of 3 years from the date of your last contact. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, you can access your data, rectify it, request its deletion or exercise your right to limit the processing of your data at the following address: