BlueLink is committed to creating sustainable and shared value as part of its response to the environmental and social challenges we all face.
We put our heart and soul into making a positive impact right across our business ecosystem. We are totally convinced that business in general, and our company in particular, has a role to play in successfully addressing today's societal and environmental challenges.
We have long been committed to CSR, but today it is central to our strategy.
Based on the concept of shared value, which requires companies to produce not only economic value, but also social and environmental value, our sustainability strategy is 100% aligned with our core values and corporate purpose.
This alignment allows us to make our contribution to achieving 5 UN Sustainable Development Goals:
At BlueLink, our corporate purpose and values inject meaning into our daily working lives, but we want to go further still. Which is why we are committed to an ambitious sustainable development strategy that is now a core component of our corporate project.
Zoran Jelkic
CEO of BlueLink
Our sustainable development strategy is simultaneously a process of continuous improvement and a lever for transformational change in preparation for tomorrow’s world. It is based on seven challenges that guide our day-to-day decisions and actions.
We believe in Symmetry of Attention®: if we are to deliver high-quality service to our partner clients (the companies that use BlueLink services) and ultimately their customers (the end consumers), our employees must feel engaged with the work they do and satisfied with it. Team engagement demands optimal working conditions, effective career management, productive social dialogue and initiatives to ensure diversity and inclusion. In all its locations, BlueLink offers working conditions that comply fully with local legislation, but strives to go further by providing its people with a pleasant working environment, competitive salaries, good occupational health and safety conditions, and a healthy work/life balance, including the right to disconnect and teleworking options. The BlueLink human resources policy is built around the crucial central issues of diversity, inclusion and equality of opportunity. We actively promote gender equality* and implement initiatives to facilitate full societal participation for vulnerable groups, including people with disabilities. We work to eliminate all types of discrimination as part of ensuring that everyone can contribute fully to the company project.
*Index of professional equality for Paris available here and for Strasbourg here.
Helping our people achieve their full potential, with particular emphasis on training, is a key driver of growing our business. For the majority of our employees, BlueLink is their first experience of professional life. So the ability to develop the full range of their skills, talents, qualifications and experience gives our people the solid base they need to plan their professional futures. BlueLink believes that human capital development also has a a key role to play in promoting and facilitating social inclusion. BlueLink is committed to encouraging the professional development of all its people, so that they have the opportunity to pursue their careers outside the company if they wish, either in another profession or as entrepreneurs in their own right. We believe in the power of mentoring, and have set up programmes for our employees and for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds living in our operating regions; these programmes focus on the sharing of skills and the provision of ongoing career development support.
BlueLink believes that it has a major role to play in the urban environment. Our involvement and relationship with local communities are reflected in our corporate sponsorship initiatives and outreach programme for community organisations. These initiatives include promoting socio-economic development through education, job creation, access to technology and apprenticeship opportunities in customer relations. BlueLink is also well aware of the impact its activity has on the natural environment, and works continually to minimise that impact. The company pays particularly close attention to digital sobriety, which aims to reduce the environmental impact of digital technology in general, and greenhouse gas emissions in particular. We work with our partners to design more digitally sober services and moderate our everyday use of digital resources. BlueLink also views digital sobriety as a source of energy, human and financial efficiency within its own organisational structure.
BlueLink seeks to deliver more than simply customer satisfaction by achieving the level of excellence required to engage its partner clients and their end customers. Customer satisfaction is by its nature subjective, relative, evolving, cognitive and emotional. Which is why, over and above product and/or service quality, BlueLink is convinced that the relational experience is a major lever for customer engagement. An engaged customer will be more inclined to make repeat purchases, remain loyal and promote the brand. Loyalty is what generates value, enhances brand image and contributes to the long-term future of the company. BlueLink promotes customer engagement by delivering Service Excellence.
It is strong economic performance that guarantees the long-term future of the company, creates and shares value with all stakeholders, and facilitates the investment needed to ensure a secure future. Every BlueLink centre offers products and services tailored to the needs of its clients, all of whom have different priorities, from cost optimisation to team proximity and the option of involving advisers who are native speakers of particular languages. These complementary needs enhance our product and service packages and make us more flexible. This level of interconnectedness is what ensures a seamless continuity of customer relations operations. It is therefore essential that each centre leverages its own special expertise to remain competitive, not only to ensure its own long-term future, but also that of the Group in its entirety.
Data are the beating heart of customer relations. So maximum data protection is crucial. At BlueLink, maintaining the trust of our partner clients and our employees depends ultimately on achieving the highest level of data security. Ongoing compliance with all new data protection regulations, including the GDPR in Europe and maintaining our international PCI DSS certification, is another way of maximising data security. We define data security as having the ability to guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of customer and employee data by doing everything within our power, both technically and humanly, to protect them.
BlueLink conducts its business in accordance with the key principles of fairness, transparency and ethics. We carefully consider the potential impacts or potential unintended consequences our purchasing and procurement decisions could have on other organisations, and take every precaution to avoid or mitigate any such negative impact. BlueLink is equally committed to stimulating demand for more responsible products and services. In customer relations, the accelerating pace of innovation and the introduction of new technologies are helping to drive down costs, at the same time as boosting efficiency and productivity. These new technologies and the automation they facilitate are having a significant impact on the way work is organised. So we see the responsible use of innovation and new technologies as key to ensuring that we fully address these changes and the way in which we define the tasks assigned to our people.